Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kalki - A Comple Incarnation

Poornavatar or an Incarnation with full potency has sixteen 'KALAAS' or phases. Five of these he shares with human beings and other animals - the five doors of perception - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. And other four he shares with human beings - mind, heart, intelligence and the 'TURYAVASTHA' or transcendence of intuitive experience.

The seven phases that follow are characteristic of a 'POORNAVTAR', an integral or all-inclusive avatar:

• Grace or reward for effort that fails to be rewarded though it has come from the deserving;
• 'ANUGRAHA' or special Grace whether the recipient merits it or not;
• The power to create a new order of life in society, new status of consciousness in individual or new objects;
• Power to support and sustain what is inherently good, which may happen to be defenseless;
• The power to destroy what is evil;
• The assumption of a form which, whenever it is recalled mentally or in the presence of the Avatar himself, affording a solution to the problem that beholder has in mind; and
• The assumption of a 'name', which has a similar potency

Kalki Incarnation shall have all the above mentioned powers to herald the Golden Age of peace and plenty - the Satyayuga. Since Kalki will be an Age making Avatar, he has to be powerful and potent.

1 comment:

  1. Kalki Avatar is allready born.
    Kaliyuga ends in 21st Dec 2019.
    Watch my video on kalki Avatar link below


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