Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kalki and Prophecies of Nostradamus

Nostradamus in the Prophecies has mentioned a world leader called Chiren or Chyren who will establish his rule over the entire world, listed below are the two quatrains which describe this world leader these references are to KALKI AVATAR who has been described as the tenth and final avatar of Vishnu in the Bhagavad-Gita(Chapter IV-7) which is the direct message given to mankind by God himself.

Au chef du monde le grand Chyren fera,
Plus ovltre apres aymé, craint, redouté,
Son bruit & los les cieux fur paffera,
Et du feul titre Victeur, fort contenté
The great Chyren will be Chief of the world,
Plus Ultra behind, loved, feared, dreaded,
His fame and praise will go beyond the heavens,
And he will he be more satisfied with the title of Victor.

This is a unique quatrain which describes a world leader as The Chief of the world such adescription has been used for the first time to describe a leader, there have been in the history of mankind numerous powerful leaders but none can qualify as being called .The key to this quatrain is the term Plus ovltre or Plus Ultra which means ‘nothing further beyond’,there can be nothing beyond or greater than an avatar of god,thisleader will prove this to the world and after this he will be loved and feared at the same time and will gain fame the like of which no one has experienced before him,this quatrain also states that he will not be interested in mere politics or office but will be satisfied with the recognition he gains from everyone,and will be a guiding force to setup the basic laws of humanity in the right direction.

Le grand Chyren foy faifir d'Auignon,
De Romme letres en miel plein d'amertume,
Letre ambaffade partir de Chanignon,
Carpentras pris par duc noir rouge plume.
The great Chyren will seize Avignon,
From Rome letters like honey full of bitterness,
Letter and embassy to leave from Chanignon,
Carpentras taken by a black duke with a red feather.

This another quatrain which describes Chyren and his entry into France is described in where Kalki Avatar enters France and strikes all those who have nothing but evil in their minds with his rod.This is a symbolic quatrain which means that Kalki Avatar will set up his base or headquarters in France and operate from there as is seen by the phrase that all the embassies will send him honeyed or letters of praise when in fact there is bitterness and fear in their hearts, the embassies which means nothing but representatives of all the countries in the world will obey Kalki Avatar not out of their free will but out of fear and dread.



  1. Open link for more about Kalki Avatar

    1. A better one!


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